Upon request, I’ve uploaded some pictures of the basement. I’m traveling for work, so these were taken before I left. I doubt Dad has done anything with it while I’ve been gone (he’s got his hands full with Daughter Person).
You can kind of see the really dark green/black spot next to the exercise bike – that’s where the glue is the thickest and most difficult to get up (so far).
These lighter areas are where the basement flooded previously, and I think it helped loosen up the glue, it was easier to pull up the carpet, and the glue isn’t as thick.
I’ve acquired an angle grinder with a sandpaper disc, which works quite well at removing the thickest part of the glue, then we can scrape what’s left much easier. We hit a snag before I left where we couldn’t get a face pin spanner to fit the grinder bolt to remove the old sand paper disc. That part was not available locally, so hopefully, it has arrived when I return home later today, and we can keep going with the grinder.