Tag Archives: hand foot and mouth


The last week has been one exercise in staying awake after another.  I finally have a break while traveling.

We spent the weekend at a friend’s cabin at a lake – with no air-conditioning.  I’m OK with heat as long as it’s not muggy and there’s shade available.  There was shade – but it was *very* muggy, and I was very uncomfortable.  Daughter Person ended up with a heat rash – along with Hand, Foot and Mouth (for the third time!).  I took off Monday to take her to the doctor to confirm it, and then spent the day driving her to grandma’s for the week.  We were planning on going to grandma’s this upcoming weekend anyway, so now it’s just Dad and I driving alone without Daughter Person.  I’ve spent way too long in a car the last few days.

Today, I took a day trip to Raleigh, NC for work – I left on an 8:30 am flight, and I’m sitting in the airport now waiting for my flight home.

I expected to be tired from having a child, but never this level of exhaustion.  I sleep well – mostly because I’m so tired that I just pass out in bed as soon as I lay down.  I’m ready for a mental health week.  I’m going to take a week stay cation, take Daughter Person to daycare, and let Dad go to work, then stay home and have the whole house to myself!