More decluttering, donating, and selling

Total Items out of the house: 284/365

I’m slowing down on getting rid of things because I’m starting to get into the “shared” items where I have to get the OK from Dad before I rid the house of them.  I did drop a rather large bag of clothes off at goodwill earlier this month, and I’ve been steadily listing books, games, and DVDs on Amazon or freecycle.  This month, I’ve gotten rid of about 20 books/games and 13 shirts that I didn’t wear much this summer.

I’m not at 365 yet, but I still have two months!  I have several books and games still listed, and someone may come to pick up 6 cookbooks through freecycle this afternoon (not worth listing on Amazon).  So I’m still making progress if slowly.  I also have another 24 shirts/shorts/pants between myself and Dad as we cleaned out our closets for winter.  I’m pretty sure I’ll have some winter shirts to donate as well because I don’t remember wearing them much last year.  I hung them backwards to tell me which ones I’m wearing all the time, and which ones I’m not.

Do you slowly go through things to donate/sell or do you have a few big “clean up” sessions throughout the year?

2 thoughts on “More decluttering, donating, and selling

  1. Done by Forty

    That’s great progress! I didn’t realize you were on a one a day pace – we’re doing something similar (30 fewer things every month). We typically batch our donations into one big dropoff each month or two.

    1. Mom Post author

      I’m going for 365 things out of the house over the year, which as you said is a one per day pace, but in reality, things are leaving the house in relatively large bunches. For example, the books and games I listed on Amazon I ‘got’ from deciding to clear out some cookbooks to make room for a new (much larger) one. I just put the ones we never used in a Pile for Dad to go through first. We still have too many cookbooks, but it’s slowly decreasing 🙂


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