As of August 11, 2014, we are $429,666.44 in debt (that includes the mortgage). Without the mortgage, we’re at $16,000 in debt from our auto loan. We currently have $1,049,072.86 in assets (including our house). Our retirement accounts are at $389,802.48. Our Net Worth is $619,406.42 (includes house and mortgage), down from $626,585.42 last month (1.15% decrease).
Until our house is on the market, I’m continuing to use Zillow’s estimate of our house – which is pretty wildly off: ~$617k vs the ~$540k we expect to list at. I’m not ready to take that hit to my net worth yet, but that’ll come next month. Hopefully, we’ll have a contract this time next month, and on our way to being “home” less.
Daughter Person and I are living at my mom’s, and Dad will be joining us on Wednesday. The house is as ready as it’s going to be for listing and showing. We likely won’t be back until we have a contract. The garage looks like a personal storage facility, but I’m not paying extra to store stuff we’re moving, just to pay the moving company even more to retrieve it from that location. They can just pick it up from the garage.
We’ll be able to pay the movers in stages: moving into storage, storage by the month (1st month free!), then moving from the DC area to our new home in Pittsburgh – once we have one. So, hopefully, we won’t need to borrow from our line of credit. My mom’s generosity is astounding to let us live here rent free. She’s still refusing to let us buy groceries, but I snuck a few into the fridge and cabinets this evening.
Debt (in the order we’re paying it down):
- Line of credit (8.75%): $0.00
- Chase (4.99% for life): $ 0.00
- Student loans (aggregated 4.21%): $0.00
- Car loan (0%): $16,000 (-500.00)
- Mortgage (4.125%): $ 414,666.44 (-711.30)
Total paid off in July: $1,211.30
Good luck selling your place quickly – have you started the house search in Pittsburgh yet? Or are you waiting to make sure your other place sells first?
We’ve kind of started our house hunt in Pittsburgh, but it’s mostly just been finding areas and neighborhoods that we like rather than any specific house. We’re not going to be putting in an offer until our house in VA is at least under contract, preferably sold. We’ve done two mortgages before – and while we could do it, we really don’t want to.
Zillow sometimes is all over the map with it’s estimates, glad you are not expecting the 617K. One of my friends went to grad school in Pittsburgh and I visited, I really liked the area and all the tree lined streets, beautiful city.
I’m working in the city, but I don’t think we’ll be living there – not really a city girl myself, but we’ve talked about possibly buying in Squirrel Hill so that I’m close to work. Lots of choices to make!
We still use Zillow as, well, I’m not really prepared to use any other measure of our property’s values. But hey, you use what you can and then correct when the data’s available.
Best of luck selling the house! I hope you end up getting offers over asking!
I don’t think we’ll get above asking price, that’s not really happening in our market. We’re selling it for less than we bought it in 2008 though
I hope your house sells quick! Are you using a realtor?
We are using a realtor, but I’m not sure that he’s worth the money we’re going to be paying him. There were 6 showings this weekend, and the idiot realtor didn’t get it into MRIS until Friday evening, so that’s a good sign.
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