As of October 7, 2013, we are $458,824.03 in debt (that includes the mortgage). Without the mortgage, we’re at $38,274.36 in debt. This includes a credit card, student loans, and an auto loan. We currently have $970,197.77 in assets (including our house). Our retirement accounts are at $320,117.12. Our Net Worth is $511,373.74 (includes house and mortgage), up from $492,875.71 last month (3.75% increase).
Our net worth has broken the half million mark, meeting one of my goals for the year. Hopefully, it will stay up for the rest of the year.
Our gutters and exterior painting haven’t been done yet, that’s expected next week, so that $7k is sitting in a savings account waiting to be paid to the contractor, reducing our net worth by 7k at least. Some of the costs are variable (how much wood needs to be outright replaced), and anything left over from what we’ve saved will go towards the Chase card.
We overspent on our recent vacation by about $400, so our payment to Chase is less that I wanted, but the minimum was paid with no issues. Next month should see at least $1500 go towards the Chase card. It’s not likely to be paid off this year, but I can still dream. I have a lot of reimbursements coming in at the end of October from my recent travel – I didn’t get my expense reports in before the deadline because I was still traveling. I could ask my boss for a check, but it’s only about $200, so I’m not too concerned. I haven’t budgeted any of that yet however.
My gym membership ends this month, and I don’t intend on renewing it. That’ll give us 33.50 more every two weeks, which will help somewhat. The weather has been sort of nice – or at least nice enough that we’re not running the AC/heater, so our electric bill is lower than normal, and given last year’s numbers, will remain that way for October as well, but will start creeping up in November as we start to use the heater.
Compared to last year’s report (October 2012), we’ve paid off $30,118.70, which gives a nice motivation boost. Hopefully, by the end of next year, we’ll have paid off all our non-mortgage debt, or be pretty close to paying it off.
Debt (in the order we’re paying it down):
- Line of credit (8.75%): $0.00
- Chase (4.99% for life): $ 4,457.04 (-44.40)
- Student loans (aggregated 6.55%): $12,787.32 (-272.80)
- Car loan (0%): $21,030 (-490.00)
- Mortgage (4.125%): $ 420, 549.67 (-666.87)
Total paid off in September: $1,474.07
Congratulations on hitting the half-million mark! That’s rad. We hope to follow in your footsteps by next year.
Here’s to hoping the debt payoff goes quicker than expected and you can knock out that card soon. But at that low interest rate, it’s not the worst thing if it takes longer.
Thanks! Good luck on meeting your goals as well! Our net worth includes our house, and we’d be about -30k net worth (including the mortgage) if we didn’t count the house. I’ll really be celebrating when we break 0 on the net worth minus house, but including mortgage.
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