As of November 5, 2012, we are $486,906.56 in debt (that includes the mortgage). Without the mortgage, we’re at $59,234.27 in debt. This includes credit cards, student loans, lines of credit and an auto loan. We currently have $869,226.30 in assets (including our house). Our retirement accounts are at $239,683.99. This doesn’t include my October paycheck deduction or match – that doesn’t get deposited until the 15th of the month.
My student loan processor upped my interest rate on one of my loans (from 2.8% to 6.55%), and I’m not sure that’s correct, so I’m still trying to figure that out. Either way, they “recalculated” my payment, and my minimum payment is now $5 more per month. I really don’t understand why the payments have to change, I mean, the terms of the loan (especially fixed rate loans!) are known up front, and my rates have always decreased until this last month. It’s not a big deal, and it’ll get paid off right after the line of credit is gone. I *hate* the new processor with a passion – so much so that I’ve considered seeing if I can consolidate with a private provider, but they can’t match the interest rates, and so it’s not really worth it.
Obviously our retirement accounts did not do as well this month, but that’s OK. The money is in relatively risky things, so I expect that value to fluctuate quite a bit.
Debt (in the order we’re paying it down):
- Line of credit (8.75%): $11,992.52 (-221.70)
- Student loans (aggregated 6.55%): $14,465.84 (-134.79)
- Chase (4.99% for life): $6,845.91 (-69.26)
- Car loan (0%): $25,930.00 (-495.79)
- Mortgage (4.125%): $427,672.29 (-624.63)
Total paid off in October: $1,546.17
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