Early Retirement Progress

Our goal is to retire before we’re 50, preferably in the 45-ish range.  In order to do that, I’ve come up with a plan inspired by Mr 1500: a chart of what we will contribute, what we expect the market to return, and when we can retire.  It starts at the beginning of 2014, which is the year we expect to pay off our non-mortgage, non-zero-interest debt.  Our contributions will include “our” money as well as any employer matches we will get.  The balance is the balance of our investment accounts only.  It does not include our house or standard checking/savings accounts, nor our 529 account – only accounts designated by us as “retirement”, which will include our emergency fund, even if it’s not invested at 6%.  The assumed interest rate is 6% (without inflation), which is aggressive to some, and conservative to others.

I will post monthly summary updates for the year on this page, then convert them into yearly summary updates.  Details will be found in longer posts on this site under retirement.

Monthly Updates

Month Contributions Interest
January 20167  $5166.11 $10,038.79
February 2017  $5148.25 $16,457.04
March 2017  $5251.97  $3234.30
April 2017  $5313.42  $8781.89
May 2017  $5249.16  $8129.30
June 2017  $5217.53  $4605.36
July 2017  $5203.05  $11,684.71
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017
November 2017

Overall Plan

Date Contribution Actual Contribution Interest/Growth Actual Interest/Growth Balance Actual Balance
12/31/2013 $337,687.88 $337,687.88
12/31/2014 $40,000.00 $45,689.70 $20,261.27 $29,804.04 $397,949.15 $413,181.62
12/31/2015 $70,000.00  $66,449.15 $23,876.95  -$141.09 $507,058.57  $479,489.68
12/31/2016 $70,000.00  71,949.73 $30,423.51  47,608.99 $612,482.08  599,048.40
12/31/2017 $70,000.00 $36,748.92 $724,231.01
12/31/2018 $75,000.00 $43,453.86 $842,684.87
12/31/2019 $75,000.00 $50,561.09 $968,245.96
12/31/2020 $75,000.00 $58,094.76 $1,101,340.72
12/31/2021 $75,000.00 $66,080.44 $1,242,421.16
12/31/2022 $75,000.00 $74,545.27 $1,391,966.43
12/31/2023 $75,000.00 $83,517.99 $1,550,484.42
12/31/2024 $75,000.00 $93,029.07 $1,718,513.48
12/31/2025 $75,000.00 $103,110.81 $1,896,624.29
12/31/2026 $75,000.00 $113,797.46 $2,085,421.75

6 thoughts on “Early Retirement Progress

  1. Pingback: April 2014 Early Retirement Progress | Three is Plenty

    1. Mom Post author

      As long as the stock market maintains its 6% average increase, we should be good to go. I’ve tentatively updated the plan to put 70-75k aside next year, but I need to wait until I know our final housing costs before I know I can make those numbers.

    1. Mom Post author

      I’ll be turning 48 in the middle of 2026, and Dad will turn 50 in the beginning of 2026 – so not super early, but earlier than a lot of folks!


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