July 2014 Early Retirement Progress

We contributed $3,292.35 this month to our retirement accounts  We “lost” $7,215.19 in interest this month, pretty much wiping out the gains of June, but such is the market.

I put in $900 into our taxable account to sort of make up for the lack of contribution to a retirement fund, and of course, it was deposited and purchased stocks at pretty much the peak of this month.  We almost have enough in the taxable account to get into a mutual find vs the ETFs we’re in now.  There are short term trading fees on one of the ETFs (90 days), so I may have to wait a bit before selling to buy the mutual fund though – and I’ll take the capital gains.  Hopefully, I can get that in before the end of the year, so that we can offset some of those with deducting all of our moving expenses (estimated at 10k).

I won’t be able to contribute more to my Lending Club account (PA residents can’t buy new loans, but they can hold them and buy them on FolioFN).  I don’t want to mess around with buying loans, so I’m just going to let my existing loans run their course, and that’s that.  I haven’t considered whether I will sell the ones I have though (~$400).  Because the balance is so low, I’m not very diversified, but I’m also in mostly A and B loans, which don’t have a high risk of default, so I lean towards just waiting 3 years ’til they all “run out”

The markets have not been good to us this month, but for the year, they’re still doing pretty well, and I suspect we’ll still be able to “meet” our goal of just over 20k in gains this year.

2014 Totals

So far, for 2014, we’ve contributed $23,098.78 (57.75% of the new goal of 40k), and we’ve gained $15,183.43 in investment gains (74.94% of our planned total).

2 thoughts on “July 2014 Early Retirement Progress

  1. evenstevenmoney

    I like the contribution goal so far, great work. Investment gains can be a little tough to track since it’s out of your hands, seems tough to tell you that you failed since Microsoft went down 10%;)

    1. Mom Post author

      The important goal is how much we contribute, and that’s doing well. Ultimately, the end goal is an amount that we can live off of for 30+ years, and we may have to change our contribution goals to meet that end goal based on what the market does.


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