Spring Cleaning

Now that spring is nominally here, I’ve put aside all of the “winter” clothes that I didn’t wear this winter.  They’ll go to Goodwill (or the Lupus Foundation) as soon as I get around to it.  I’ve not gone through Daughter Person’s clothes from this winter yet as she’s still wearing most of them.  We’re expecting another snow storm this week, and then I hope spring is coming and I can go through her stuff and put it in the donation bin. I’ve already put aside things that she’s obviously grown out of, but haven’t taken them to donate yet.  Once those things are out of the house, then they’ll get added to the count for this year.

I’ve taken pictures of a few of our living room furniture pieces to list on craigslist, but I haven’t gotten them listed yet.  I’m also retiring an ancient Mac Pro (1,1) in favor of a Plex server on a slightly newer system.  I’m not sure that anyone will buy it from me as it’s an 8 year old system (and can only sort of run Mavericks – the 10.9.2 update broke it 🙁 ).  But someone might want it for parts, it’s some pretty beefy hardware.



4 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning

  1. donebyforty

    I have a stack of board games I want to sell on eBay, but they’ve just been sitting in my office for days. The desk in there could probably be sold, too.

    I procrastinate a lot with that stuff…it’s hard to shed belongings!

    1. Mom Post author

      I procrastinate in getting things actually out of the house because it’s painful to drive to any of the donation places. There’s one company that picks up, and I tend to put everything into a box/boxes in the guest room until they come around again. So it’s “marked” as to go, but it hasn’t gone yet.

    1. Mom Post author

      Hopefully it warms up soon! We’ve done one garage sale, and we end up getting more ‘money’ by donating rather than selling most stuff.


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