Temporarily Unemployed

Today was my last day at the office.  I have enough extra hours and vacation to cover until the end of July.  I’m owed about $650 in expense reimbursement, but my former boss knows how to get a hold of me, and the company has my forwarding address.  I don’t have to be at my new job until August 11, almost two weeks.

We’re “moving” to Pittsburgh on the 6th, when Daughter Person, the cats and I will begin living with my mom.  Dad will be going with us and we’ll be establishing residency on the 7th (to avoid Dad having to show up for jury duty on the 11th!) – getting our new licenses and getting the cars registered, inspected, etc.  I’m not likely to be returning to the DC area until our house here is under contract.  Dad will be going back and forth until we close.

Until then, I’m going to be doing a combination of relaxing, getting rid of things on craigslist/freecycle/facebook and packing.  I’ve had good luck getting rid of things on the local Facebook “yard sale” group.  It’s nice to not have to worry about work for a while.  I don’t have to respond to e-mails and I don’t have to go to an office – although I do have to wake up to take Daughter Person to daycare.

And the best part – I don’t have to worry about money while I’m not working!

11 thoughts on “Temporarily Unemployed

    1. Mom Post author

      I haven’t switched jobs in 10 years, so this will be a little bit of a break. We’re still taking our two week vacation in October as well, so I’d rather get on campus and get started before then!

  1. Mrs. Frugalwoods

    Hooray for temporary unemployment! Especially when it’s temporary :). Enjoy your time and I hope you have good luck with selling/getting rid of the unneeded stuff (let me state again how impressed I am that you’ve sorted through so much!).

    1. Mom Post author

      I wish we were able to sort through more. We’re now at the packing up everything stage. I’ve got a few things listed on craigslist and the local Facebook yard sale group, and a pile of things to take to the donation center, but we’re getting to the crunch line. I’m focusing on packing up stuff that’s out on the tables/counters so that we can have the house ready for showing, but it’s also the stuff we use most!

  2. donebyforty

    I’m never smart enough to take a break in between positions. The last couple opportunities have been “Leave on a Friday, start on Monday” situations. Which seems smart at the time…until Monday. Good on you for being wise!

    1. Mom Post author

      My last job change 10 years ago was like that – I may have had a long weekend, but that was that. I could have taken longer, but I figured it was easiest if I “stop” working at the end of the month, so I get a full paycheck. Luckily, I’m on Dad’s insurance, so we don’t have to do that song and dance (yet).

  3. femmefrugality

    I hope the move goes smoothly! Let me know if you need anything once you get here! (My kids aren’t big enough to unpack boxes, but they do know all the local hangouts :p) Enjoy the break!

    1. Mom Post author

      Thank you for the offer! I may have to meet up with you for a picnic/lunch/dinner at least! I’m not looking forward to dealing with the DMV on Thursday, but that’s a one time thing…


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