Over Half a Million in our Investment Accounts

In the past month, we’ve reached a milestone: we have more than half of a million dollars in our portfolio – the majority of which is earmarked for retirement – about $10k is for Daughter Person’s 529.  Our net worth is more because we have a house (mostly) and some cash accounts, but this is the bulk of what we’re saving for retirement.  Our goal is about $2 million before we retire – 25% of the way there.

Of course, the markets could go south again, and our balances would go with it, but we have time to ride out some of the market swings.

Most of our contributions have happened in the last 3-4 years.  We’re continuing to try to increase our annual contributions, and if the markets do their thing, we’re looking at working another 9-10 years at the most, and we’ll have a nice cushion for unexpected expenses, and not have to work.

From personalcapital.com - our portfolio balance

From personalcapital.com – our portfolio balances

2 thoughts on “Over Half a Million in our Investment Accounts

  1. Leigh

    Woo! That’s a pretty sweet milestone 🙂 I think we’ll surpass that if you combine our account values together this year, but on my own, I’m still several years away. I’ll surpass a quarter of a million dollars in investments sometime this year!

  2. Pingback: New Milestone: 750k invested | Three is Plenty

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