I made a few goals for 2014, almost none of which worked out. Oh well, I wasn’t expecting to pick up and move either!
Health Goals
Massive Fail here.
- I gained 20lbs instead of losing 15: FAIL.
- I started out the year exercising, but then we moved, and I haven’t gotten back into it other than trying to make 10k steps per day via my Fitbit: FAIL
- Eating 3 servings of fruits or veggies day? Nope: FAIL I’m lucky to get one at dinner…
Financial Goals
Technically failure, but only because we sold our house and lost that asset, although it may have been close if we hadn’t sold the house.
- Pay off all non-mortgage debt that carries interest. Everything but the car (at 0% interest) is paid off: SUCCESS
- Get to 650k Net Worth. We are sitting about 550k, which without the house is really darn good. If we hadn’t sold the house, we’d have been above 650k based on Zillow’s current estimate of our old house. FAIL
- Increase our assets to 1.2 million. Without the house, we’re down over half a million. We might have made it to 1.2 million with the house. FAIL
Household/Parenting Goals
- Get rid of diapers – we have stopped using her cloth diapers – they don’t fit her any more, so we’ve had to move to pull-ups for at night. At least we’re completely out of diapers during the day with very few accidents! I have a feeling we’ll not be buying any more pull ups though, we’re starting to have a couple of nights where she wakes up dry. We’re also not really pushing diaperless at night because of the moving. I’m gonna call this one a (technical) SUCCESS
- Get rid of another 365 things in 365 days. We got rid of way more, both via donations and taking things to the dump. I am already starting a list of things to get rid of once it’s out of storage: SUCCESS
- Finish the tile in our basement project. I paid someone to do this, but it was done ($750 including painting!) to show the house: SUCCESS
The good thing is that we’ve made a serious commitment to saving more for our early retirement this year. I’ve increased my salary, we’ve upped our contributions to max out our 403(b)s in 2015, as well as contributing to an HSA and hopefully two Roths next year. Our retirement accounts have increased significantly (from $337,687.88 in January to $423,630.36 at the beginning of December), even if our Net Worth didn’t.
Early next year, I’ll be posting my goals to fail at for 2015. Have a happy and safe New Year!